
Minecraft creeper headband

Part 3 of the creepers finishing that theme (at least for now). Created a headband with the creeper and added some waves to make it a bit more interesting. I have not decided what to do next, but I have some finished stuff that I haven't yet written the pattern for, so I might try to catch up on that soon.


Minecraft creeper mittens

Let's keep the Minecraft theme going. Made a whole set for my nephew for his birthday, including these mittens. Haven't played any Minecraft myself but I really like the concept of building your own world and it reminds me a bit of Lego and who doesn't like that =)


Minecraft creeper wristband

This week we passed the one year anniversary of this blog. Back then I couldn't really believe that I would make this amount of patterns. This is the 38th pattern I've published to Ravelry during the year. That's about a new pattern every 10th day which is kind of crazy when I think about it considering I have a full time job and this is only a hobby.

The most downloaded pattern is the Curly bracket mittens, which has been downloaded almost 200 times since it was published.

The most bought pattern is, to my surprise, the Dizzy diagonal mittens.

The 37 previously published patterns combine to a total of 534 favourite marks on Ravelry. My humble thanks to everyone for that.

I will continue with roughly the same pace for the rest of 2016, but expect the rate to drop in the beginning of next year as I am packing up and moving at the start of 2017.


Broken seed headband

This is the last simple pattern for a while. Next week I'll be back to my normal nerdy self. =)

Made this broken seed headband to match the mittens I have made previously.

November is here and it his us hard. Already snow that actually sticks for more than a day which is quite unusual. At least my knitted stuff gets used now =)