
Wicked wave headband

This is another pattern I did during the summer. It is a simple double-knitted headband and I recommend using very different colours for this to create a bigger effect on the "wave". The double-knitting makes the headband thick and warm and also reversible, making it possible to match with different things.


Minecraft creeper headband

Part 3 of the creepers finishing that theme (at least for now). Created a headband with the creeper and added some waves to make it a bit more interesting. I have not decided what to do next, but I have some finished stuff that I haven't yet written the pattern for, so I might try to catch up on that soon.


Minecraft creeper mittens

Let's keep the Minecraft theme going. Made a whole set for my nephew for his birthday, including these mittens. Haven't played any Minecraft myself but I really like the concept of building your own world and it reminds me a bit of Lego and who doesn't like that =)


Minecraft creeper wristband

This week we passed the one year anniversary of this blog. Back then I couldn't really believe that I would make this amount of patterns. This is the 38th pattern I've published to Ravelry during the year. That's about a new pattern every 10th day which is kind of crazy when I think about it considering I have a full time job and this is only a hobby.

The most downloaded pattern is the Curly bracket mittens, which has been downloaded almost 200 times since it was published.

The most bought pattern is, to my surprise, the Dizzy diagonal mittens.

The 37 previously published patterns combine to a total of 534 favourite marks on Ravelry. My humble thanks to everyone for that.

I will continue with roughly the same pace for the rest of 2016, but expect the rate to drop in the beginning of next year as I am packing up and moving at the start of 2017.


Broken seed headband

This is the last simple pattern for a while. Next week I'll be back to my normal nerdy self. =)

Made this broken seed headband to match the mittens I have made previously.

November is here and it his us hard. Already snow that actually sticks for more than a day which is quite unusual. At least my knitted stuff gets used now =)


Dreamy diamond headband

So, today we went back to winter time here in Sweden, which meant one extra hour of sleep. This blog post is however later than usual, but let's keep the Sunday streak going for another week =)

November is almost upon us already and that marks the one year anniversary of this blog and just over 35 new patterns during that time, exceeding my expectations by far.

This week we have yet another easy knitted headband to add to the collection. This is the second to last so there will be another week of these patterns before we get nerdy again =)


Simply square headband

Guess what... It's sunday again. Weeks are flying by and suddenly it's christmas. Might getting a bit ahead of myself now, but it is probably time to start thinking about the christmas knitting (if I should do any). Anyway, here's the headband version of the simple square pattern

The one year anniversary for this blog is coming up. I don't have anything special planned at the moment. We'll see if I can come up with something before it's time.


Trippy Triangle Headband

Another week gone by and it's time for another pattern. Of the easier patterns, the ones with this triangular pattern are my favourites so far - not only because they are green. They remind me a bit of the triforce from the Zelda games (my favourite game series).


Dizzy diagonal headband

You know the drill by now =)
It's time for the simpler patterns to get their headband versions up. Let's start out with the most popular version for the mittens, the diagonal one.

Autumn is really here now, which means that my creations are getting used more and more with the weather getting colder and wind is starting to pick up.


Simply square mittens

You should now the drill by now =)
Sunday equals a new pattern and I continue on the simple mittens theme for another week with these mittens with a square pattern.

Been focusing on photographing my creations and making them into patterns lately and I've got quite a lot lined up for the autumn already, including some a brand new gaming theme.


Dreamy diamond mittens

Wow, last weeks patterns was one of my most popular ones yet. Don't know if it's because of the ongoing merino mania or some other reason, but really inspiring to see.

I will continue with another basic pattern for this week, also made during the summer. A bit more discreet pattern than the previous ones (at least in this color).


Dizzy diagonal mittens

These mittens with a diagonal pattern is next in line of the simpler patterns I created during the summer. Easy to make and variable in how the diagonals go.


Trippy triangle mittens

Spent the summer creating a collection of simple and easy, but still nice looking, patterns suitable for beginners and casual knitters. I will start posting them at a bit higher rate than I normally do to get back to the nerdy stuff sooner =)

First up, these green mittens with a triangular pattern formed by purled stitches. Can't wait to start using these frequently as green is my favourite color.


Bubble bobble mittens

What happens if you combine cute dragons, bubbles and fantastic 8-bit music? You get one of the best games ever made. I spent a lot of time playing Bubble bobble at friends and at home when I grew up, controlling Bub and Bob through the levels and rescuing the girls (if I actually managed to get the happy ending). This pattern features the dragons on clean black mittens. It's a bit tricky to knit as it requires a lot of color changes, but the end result is really nice =)


Pokéball hat

Seems like summer has ended early and the autumn is here. Been back to work for two weeks now, explaining the lack of updates here. Will get back to try to write something here once a week again now and first up is another Pokémon-related pattern, this Pokéball hat.

Will be interesting to see how long this Pokémon Go trend will keep up, but for now I'll make the most of it and will be out catching some of my own =)


Harry Potter (house) mittens

Yesterday the new Harry Potter book was released. I have been working on mittens that match the houses of Hogwarts for some time and actually finished the last one today. The colors can of course easily be adapted to your favourite colors or the colors of your favourite team.

Pattern is available on both Ravelry and Etsy.


Pokéball flap mittens

Well, I couldn't really resist to make another Pokémon-inspired pattern during this ridiculous hype.
This time I decided to try something new and made flap mittens. I thought it could be a good idea because they will open like pokéballs do. It's not really mittens-weather here in Sweden at the moment (quite the opposite actually), but many players seems to play during the night which can be a bit chilly and the autumn and winter is just around the corner... =/


Pokéball wristband

Wow, the world kind of exploded when the Pokémon Go launched. This is also straight up my interests. Old school computer games combined with being outside and collecting stuff. This in combination with nice summer weather has paused the knitting project a bit, but yesterday the servers were down so I made a wristband inspired by the pokéball and my team, Team Mystic, resulting in a blue pokéball to keep the wrist warm during cold hunts.

It is of course easy to adjust to the normal red color or a yellow one for team instinct.


Summer has arrived...

...along with a batch of yarn for my upcoming projects. With warmer weather and summertime comes a lot of fun activities which means less time for knitting. During the summer I will make fewer posts (about every other week) and may not add that many more patterns. I have some patterns completed that will be uploaded in the future, but for now I will concentrate on enjoying the summer =)


Broken seed socks

My last post gave me lots of suggestions on what to do next and the yarn-order has been made for the new ideas. While waiting to make something out of the ideas I try to learn some new things and made these socks using a "broken seed" technique alternating between two different yarns, in this case a solid green and an alternating grey/black.

Will be nice to have later this year =)


Looking for inspiration

I've been doing this knitting thing for about 7 months now and created over 20 patterns and learned A LOT about how to knit and increasing my overall knitting skill. The things I have knitted has mainly been my own ideas (with a few exceptions) and when I started I didn't expect to run out of ideas this fast, mostly because I didn't expect to create this much in such short time. I now need new inspiration and ideas on what to make. Please share your ideas and thoughts with me and if I like your ideas and make something of it, you'll of course be rewarded in some way.

Mainly I want ideas regarding:

  1. 8-bit-stuff
  2. Other gaming things
  3. Other nerdy topics
  4. Other stuff you would like to see knitted 

Send me the ideas on Twitter, Facebook or comment in the blog.


Pacman hat

As previously mentioned, I have a lot of yarn for Pacman-related work. Here's a simple beanie featuring the circular arcade hero, quickly made other the past days.

In other news, I've set up a shop at Etsy to complement the already existing presence on Ravelry.


Cthulhu wristband

Last friday I played some board games with my colleagues. As we were going to play Eldritch Horror, which is partly based on the story of H.P Lovecraft - Call of Cthulhu, I decided to make this wristband on that theme. It is double knitted which makes it reversible and this time I wanted to try to add an additional color (the yellow eyes) to see how that would work.

I highly recommend reading the novel about Cthulhu and play some games on that theme =)


Pacman wristband

Keeping the theme with Pacman going for another week with this simple wristband. Switched to use a smaller gauge of needles than before as I wanted the pattern to fit on a single side and previous wristbands has been a bit wide.

Currently working on some Lovecraft-related stuff for a while. Will hopefully finish them within the next week and add them to the blog.


Pacman and Blinky mittens

I know, spring is finally here (at least here in Sweden), but I can't seem to stop making mittens, hats and other winter-stuff. Also, I made a huge mistake when I bought the yarn for the Pacman and Blinky scarf so I got lots of blue and black yarn over from that project so expect more Pacman stuff in the near future.

These mittens feature the circular hero and his nemesis, but can of course swap hands or be adjusted for your favourite ghost.


8-bit mushroom wristband

I thought I was done with the mushrooms for now, but I started to experiment with making a mushroom i a single color and ended up with a wristband. Not the best thing I've done, but a start of something different compared to the patterns done so far.
Will probably continue to experiment with patterns like this for a while, possibly not all ending up nerdy ;)


Rebellion wristband

Stepping out of the 8-bit world for a while, starting up with this wristband inspired by the galactic rebels of star wars. Available in different sizes and of course you can of course change the colours to your favourite ones.

Wristbands are an easy way to keep your wrists warm and is also a nice accessor that can add a bit of color to your outfit.


Space invaders socks

Continuing on the sock theme by extending the space invaders collection. These colorful space invaders socks are made from thick yarn. Maybe not perfect for the upcoming spring, but can of course be used as slippers inside.

This temporarily closes the space invaders theme as I have made all kinds of accessories in the theme. I am currently looking for new ideas and inspiration for things to do so stay tuned for more nerdy knitting =)


8-bit mushroom socks

Finally I've come around to finish up the mushroom collection series. Since socks most often are more prone to wearing out I have used a more robust yarn, making the colors different from the ones on the previous projects. I don't really mind that as I'm more into this kind of green =)

The pattern is (as always) available at Ravelry.

Do you think I have missed anything for the mushroom collection that I should make?


Space invaders mittens

Spring is coming and that means that the need for really warm mittens is decreasing. By making fingerless mittens however you can still keep your hands warm enough while still enjoying the feeling of the sun on the fingers. Also, making mittens without fingers are much easier and faster than mittens with fingers.
If it's not cold enough outside, it might be cold inside and mittens like these are perfect for keeping the hands warm while working.
I'm really getting my knitting speed up and these took only three evenings to start and complete. =)

Check out this and all my other patterns at Ravelry.


Space invaders scarf

Made this scarf to complement the previously made headband (and wristband). The double knitting technique makes the scarf thick and keeps the neck and head warm even the coldest winter days.

Will probably make some more parts for the space invader series as it is a quite simple pattern with only two colours.

Visit the pattern page on Ravelry for more images.


NES controller headband

The winter season is ending, but the patterns keep on coming up. There's probably going to be a winter again some time so it's always good to prepare.

This week I've published a pattern of the classic NES controller as a headband. I struggled a bit with this at first as I prefer to knit in the round. The nature of this pattern however did not really fit that method so I had to go for a back-and-forth approach. Really happy with the result.

Keep on knitting!


Zelda triforce wristband

The 30th anniversary celebration of Zelda continues with this simple wristband. Feel the courage, power and wisdom around your wrist.

The pattern is available for free at Revelry.


Zelda triforce headband

The week that passed Zelda turned 30 years old. Zelda is by far my favourite series of games growing up and I still hold the SNES version as the best game ever. One of the most recognised symbols for the series is of course the triforce, so for the 30th anniversary I made some Zelda stuff, starting off with this triforce headband. More will be added in the upcoming weeks and I hope we will continue to enjoy Zelda games for another 30 years =)
Zelda triforce headband


Space invaders headband

Time flies when you're having fun. This is actually the 10th pattern I've published (on Ravelry) since I started knitting a couple on months ago. Didn't really expect on keeping this pace, but I really enjoy the relaxation in knitting combined with watching TV-series, movies or (E-)sports.

Creating my own patterns instead of knitting existing ones is also a nice outlet for some of my creativity.

I also passed 100 downloads for one of my patterns (the curly bracket mittens) which also is amazing.

I'll keep posting new patterns for a while longer while I'm still inspired. If you have suggestions or requests for patterns, just contact me and I'll see what I can do.


Pacman and Blinky scarf

Been kind of ill the previous week and actually did not knit anything at all. Fortunately I've been stacking up on patterns to publish for a while so this week I give you the scarf to match the previously published headband with Pacman and Blinky.

This was a really long project for me and it took me almost a month to finish and I'm really happy with the result. It's really warm as it is double layered and with the winter we're having here in Sweden I have not used is as much as I thought, but there'll be more winters...

Find the pattern on Ravelry.


Space invaders wristband

To create new patterns it is also good to learn some new techniques. Last week I started to play around with double knitting and to keep it simple I started out with a small wristband with a space invader on it. I made two different versions and this is the one I'm most satisfied with and now I have a good idea on how I like to do my double knitting.
I really like the possibility to turn it inside out, keeping the same pattern but with reversed colouring. The finished project is also very warm as the yarn is duplicated and it is likely that I will be using this for future projects when working with only two colours.

The pattern is available for free at Ravelry.


Paradroid mittens

A friend of mine asked me to make short-fingered mittens for him and started pitching ideas on what the pattern should be. He's a big C64-fan so most ideas were based on that. He finally settled on the robots from Paradroid. As I'm mostly a Nintendo-guy I had little knowledge about this game, but after some googling and discussions we came up with a good pattern. After the yarn arrived I completed these in record-time and I'm really satisfied with the outcome of this. My technique is really improving with every new thing I knit.

Link to the pattern at Ravelry.


Pacman and Blinky headband

Who's our favourite circular 8-bit hero?
Pacman of course.
This pattern was one of the first I got the idea for and it was very satisfying to finally make it.
It feels like I'm starting to get the hang of the whole knitting thing and I'm extremely happy with the outcome of this.
As mentioned in last weeks post, I'm working on the matching scarf for this set and it seems like I'll be able to finish that in the upcoming weeks.

As always, I have also posted this pattern on Ravelry.


Curly bracket mittens

Time for the weekly update. Been working on a Pacman scarf all of January and it seems to never get finished. However, I have some already finished projects to display here meanwhile =)

So, up this week is a pair of mittens that has no relation to 8-bit things at all. I made these as a gift for a colleague that was nice enough to be support backup during the christmas holidays. The curly brackets, { and }, are used in the syntax for C# (and some other programming languages) which is what we use at work. Perfect mittens for coding at our ice cold office.

The pattern is as always available on Ravelry.


8-bit mushroom mittens

Happy new year! It's time for the first post of 2016 and I start off with a pair of mittens I completed mid-december last year. They are the fourth component of the matching mushroom set and now I only have the socks left according to my original plan and so far I haven't come up with any new ideas for additional mushroom accessories. The socks must however wait a bit as I'm still trying to figure out where to put the mushroom =)

So, back to the mittens. They are made to wear inside when it's cold and I'll probably mostly use them at work as it's really chilly. Also perfect for playing your favourite game this cold season.

Pattern is of course as always available on Ravelry.